CPAWS is Canada’s voice for wilderness
The Nova Scotia Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS-NS) works to protect Nova Scotia’s rich natural heritage. We advocate for the creation of new protected areas, on land and in the ocean, and we work to ensure that existing protected areas are well-managed for ecological integrity. Some of our landmark campaigns include the protection of Sable Island, Bay of Fundy, and Blue Mountain – Birch Cove Lakes. In total, we have helped to establish more than 150 new protected areas in Nova Scotia.
What’s New

Three Nova Scotian islands designated as National Wildlife Areas
By: Madie Stewart When I started working for CPAWS-NS in the summer of 2023, one of my first tasks was to write a submission in support of the amendments to the Wildlife Area Regulations to designate three islands as National Wildlife Areas. I was fresh into the role of a conservation campaigner, and I was nervous [Learn more]

High conservation value areas identified in the marine environment off Nova Scotia
KJIPUKTUK / HALIFAX – The Nova Scotia Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS-NS) welcomes today’s public release by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) of the draft Marine Conservation Network Plan for the Scotian Shelf – Bay of Fundy Bioregion. This draft plan identifies areas of high importance for conservation within the Scotian [Learn more]
Field Report: West Mabou Beach
CPAWS Nova Scotia conducted snorkelling fieldwork in West Mabou Beach Provincial Park to collect data about the marine biodiversity of the area. See the report below! West Mabou Beach Provincial Park (2023)
Archibald Lake Wilderness Area protected
KJIPUKTUK / HALIFAX – The Nova Scotia Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS-NS) welcomes today’s announcement by the Nova Scotia government that it has applied legal protection to the public lands and waters of Archibald Lake, in Guysborough County. “Archibald Lake Wilderness Area is an ecological hotspot,” says Chris Miller, Executive Director [Learn more]