Our Work
Our vision is to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild — forever. We focus on protecting large tracts of land, oceans and freshwater so that the species within them can survive and thrive.
MPA Network Plan
The federal government has a long-standing commitment to establish a network of marine protected areas within the Maritimes Region. The draft Plan was released publicly in April 2024. [Learn More]
Bay of Fundy
The Bay of Fundy is a globally significant ecosystem, containing the world’s highest tides and important habitat for whales and migratory shorebirds. Salt marshes found along the coastline offer protection against storm surges and act as a carbon sink, removing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Unfortunately, despite its ecological significance and the important role it plays for coastal communities, very little of the Bay of Fundy is actually protected. [Learn More]
Fundian Channel – Browns Bank
Fundian Channel – Browns Bank is an ecologically significant area located off the coast of southwestern Nova Scotia. It contains important concentrations of cold-water corals and rare species. As an “Area of Interest” for a future marine protected area, CPAWS-NS is working with the federal government and other stakeholders to ensure that this site is strongly protected. [Learn More]